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Actitudes creativas de los docentes de la Licenciatura de Educación Preescolar de la Universidad Mariana;
Atitudes criativas dos professores do Bacharel em Educação Pré-Escolar da Universidade Mariana
Ruales Jurado, Ramiro E.
Realpe Silva, Dayra Teresa
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actitudes y comportamientoscreatividad
desempeño docente
atitudes e comportamentos
desempenho docente
attitudes and behaviors
teaching performance
- Revista Criterios [261]
Objective: To determine the creative attitudes and behaviors of the teachingperformance of the teachers in the program of Bachelor in Preschool Education of the Mariana University of the city of Pasto, to improve the teaching and learning processes. Methodology: mixed (qualitative-quantitative) research with descriptive, interpretive and analysis procedures, applied to seven teachers and fifteen students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Pre-school Education of the Mariana University, through the Questionnaire of creative attitudes and behaviors in teaching work. Results: there are greater coincidences in the categories of: promotion of group integration and flexibility of their positions, and there is greater difference between the categories of independence ofthought and affective motivation. Conclusions: it is inferred the orientation of the pedagogical strategies for the development of the creativity in the students from the educational performance from the affective motivational dimension.Ítems relacionados
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Knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and community practices for urban malaria. Tumaco, Colombia
Molineros-Gallón L.F.; Hernández-Carrillo M.; Castro-Espinosa J.; Trujillo De Cisneros E. (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2018)Objective To describe the condition of malaria in the District 5 of San Andres de Tumaco-Nariño-Colombia, with regards to knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and community practices. Methods A cross-sectional study was ... -
Creative attitudes and behaviors in the teaching performance
Ruales Jurado, Ramiro Eliberto -
Analysis of the teaching attitudes towards the integration of ICT in the higher level; the case of the School of Foreign Languages Campus-III of the Autonomous University of Chiapas
Avendaño Porras, Víctor del Carmen; Avendaño Porras, Dulce Cielo
- Calle 18 No. 34-104 Pasto (N)
- (057) + 7244460 - Cel 3127306850
- NIT: 800092198-5
- Código SNIES: 1720
- Res. 1362 del 3 de febrero de 1983
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