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Salud oral en poblaciones vulnerables;
Saúde bucal em populações vulneráveis

dc.creatorBenavides Melo, Julie Andrea
dc.creatorCerón Bastidas, Ximena Andrea
dc.descriptionA população vulnerável é considerada um grupo de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade e exclusão, onde as desigualdades devido a diferenças socioeconômicas, culturais e de estilo de vida, juntamente com sexo, raça, idade e susceptibilidade genética, aumentam o risco de desenvolver doenças bucais e ameaçam a saúde geral. Os estilos de vida refletem os comportamentos das pessoas e representam um fator de proteção ou risco; além disso, o alto consumo de carboidratos e o nível de cortisol e minerais, como fósforo e cálcio na saliva, intervêm principalmente na presença de cárie, tornando-se um indicador das condições de saúde bucal da população. As crianças são as mais vulneráveis, especialmente se pertencem a famílias de baixa renda, com pouco uso de serviços de saúde, ignorância de medidas de prevenção e onde a saúde bucal não é uma prioridade. References Abadía, C. (2006). Pobreza y desigualdades sociales: un debate obligatorio en salud oral. Acta Bioethica, 12(1), 9-22. Agudelo, A., Isaza, L., Bustamante, D., Martínez, C. y Martínez, C. (2008). Perfil epidemiológico bucal en un asentamiento de población desplazada y destechada. CES Odont, 21(2), 17-24. Baelum, V. (2011). Dentistry and population approaches for preventing dental diseases. J Dent, 39(2), S9-19. Boyce, W., Den Besten, P., Stamperdahl, J., Zhan, L., Jiang, Y., Adler, N. y Featherstone, J. (2010). Social inequalities in childhood dental caries: the convergent roles of stress, bacteria and disadvantage. Soc Sci Med, 71(9), 1644-1652. Bueno, M., Fisberg, R., Maximino, P., Rodrigues Gde, P. y Fisberg, M. (2013). Nutritional risk among Brazilian children 2 to 6 years old: a multicenter study. Nutrition, 29(2), 405-410. Cabello, I., Rodríguez, G., Tapia, R., Jara, G., Soto, Q. y Venegas, C. (2011). Recursos humanos odontológicos y necesidades de tratamiento de caries en adolescentes de 12 años en Chile. Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral, 4(2), 45-49. Cadoret, C. y Garcia, R. (2014). Health disparities and the multicultural imperative. J Evid Based Dent Pract, 14 Suppl, 160-170 e161. Calonge, N. (2004). Prevention of dental caries in preschool children: recommendations and rationale. Am J Prev Med, 26(4), 326-329. Corchuelo, J. y Soto, L. (2014). Evaluación de la higiene oral en preescolares a través del monitoreo de placa bacteriana realizado por padres de familia. Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq, 25(2), 313-324. Cornejo, L., Brunotto, M. y Hilas, E. (2008). Salivary factors associated to the prevalence and increase of dental caries in rural schoolchildren. Rev Saude Publica, 42(1), 19-25. Chattopadhyay, A. (2008). Oral health disparities in the United States. Dent Clin North Am, 52(2), 297-318, vi. Edelstein, B. (2002). Disparities in oral health and access to care: findings of national surveys. Ambul Pediatr, 2(2), 141-147. Edelstein, B. y Chinn, C. (2009). Update on disparities in oral health and access to dental care for America’s children. Acad Pediatr, 9(6), 415-419. Evans, E., Hayes, C., Palmer, C., Bermudez, O., Cohen, S. y Must, A. (2013). Dietary intake and severe early childhood caries in low-income, young children. J Acad Nutr Diet, 113(8), 1057-1061. Fernández, M. y Ramos, I. (2007). Riesgo de aparición de caries en preescolares. Humo Alto. Estado Lara, 2006. Acta Odontol Venez, 45(2), 1-7. Gati, D. y Vieira, A. (2011). Elderly at greater risk for root caries: a look at the multifactorial risks with emphasis on genetics susceptibility. Int J Dent, 2011, 647168. Ghimire, N. y Rao, A. (2013). Comparative evaluation of the influence of television advertisements on children and caries prevalence. Glob Health Action, 6, 20066. Hooley, M., Skouteris, H., Boganin, C., Satur, J. y Kilpatrick, N. (2012). Parental influence and the development of dental caries in children aged 0-6 years: a systematic review of the literature. J Dent, 40(11), 873-885. Ibrahim, S., Nishimura, M., Matsumura, S., Rodis, O., Nishida, A., Yamanaka, K. y Shimono, T. (2009). A longitudinal study of early childhood caries risk, dental caries, and life style. PDJ, 19(2), 174-180. Kahlor, L., Mackert, M., Junker, D. y Tyler, D. (2011). Ensuring children eat a healthy diet: a theory-driven focus group study to inform communication aimed at parents. J Pediatr Nurs, 26(1), 13-24. Lashley, M. (2008). Promoting oral health among the inner city homeless: a community-academic partnership. Nurs Clin North Am, 43(3), 367-379, viii. Luna, L., Ramos, K., González, F., Fernández, E., Herrera, E., Royero, M. y Arzuza, M. (2007). Relación entre el estado de salud oral y nutricional de niños escolarizados entre 5 y 12 años de las escuelas oficiales de Cartagena apadrinados por la Fundación Mamonal. Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias. Mannaa, A., Carlén, A. y Lingstrom, P. (2013). Dental caries and associated factors in mothers and their preschool and school children - A cross-sectional study. JDS, 8(2), 101-108. Medina-Solis, C., Maupome, G., Pelcastre-Villafuerte, B., Avila-Burgos, L., Vallejos-Sanchez, A. y Casanova-Rosado, A. (2006). Socioeconomic inequalities in oral health: dental caries in 6 to 12 year-old children. Rev Invest Clin, 58(4), 296-304. Milgrom, P., Weinstein, P. y Coldwell, S. (2009). Malnutrition as an aetiological factor in dental caries disparity. In M. Wilson (Ed.), Food constituents and oral health (pp. 381-395). Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN). (s.f.). Población vulnerable. Recuperado de Mobley, C., Marshall, T., Milgrom, P. y Coldwell, S. (2009). The contribution of dietary factors to dental caries and disparities in caries. Acad Pediatr, 9(6), 410-414. Mora, L. y Martínez, J. (2000). Prevalencia de caries y factores asociados en niños de 2-5 años de los Centros de Salud Almanjáyar y Cartuja de Granada capital. Aten Primaria, 26(6), 398-404. Nakamura, S. (2014). Parental income and child health in Japan. J Japanese Int Economies, 32, 42-55. Navas, P., Rojas, T., Zambrano, O., Ãlvarez, C., Santana, Y. y Vierna, N. (2002). Salud bucal en preescolares: su relación con las actitudes y nivel educativo de los padres. INCI, 27(11), 631-634. Ng, M. y Chase, I. (2013). Early childhood caries: risk-based disease prevention and management. Dent Clin North Am, 57(1), 1-16. Nishimura, M., Rodis, M., Matsumura, S. y Matsumoto-Nakano, M. (2012). Influences of diet on caries activities and caries-risk grouping in children, and changes in parenting behavior. PDJ, 22(2), 117-124. Nowak, A. (2011). Paradigm shift: Infant oral health care--primary prevention. J Dent, 39 Suppl 2, S49-55. Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). (2012). Campaña del día mundial de la salud. Recuperado de Parisotto, T., Steiner-Oliveira, C., Duque, C., Peres, R., Rodrigues, L. y Nobre-dos-Santos, M. (2010). Relationship among microbiological composition and presence of dental plaque, sugar exposure, social factors and different stages of early childhood caries. Arch Oral Biol, 55(5), 365-373. Pattussi, M., Marcenes, W., Croucher, R. y Sheiham, A. (2001). Social deprivation, income inequality, social cohesion and dental caries in Brazilian school children. Soc Sci Med, 53(7), 915-925. Peterson-Sweeney, K. y Stevens, J. (2010). Optimizing the health of infants and children: their oral health counts! J Pediatr Nurs, 25(4), 244-249. Petti, S. (2010). Why guidelines for early childhood caries prevention could be ineffective amongst children at high risk. J Dent, 38(12), 946-955. Pischon, N., Heng, N., Bernimoulin, J., Kleber, B., Willich, S. y Pischon, T. (2007). Obesity, inflammation, and periodontal disease. J Dent Res, 86(5), 400-409. Poulton, R., Caspi, A., Milne, B., Thomson, W., Taylor, A., Sears, M. y Moffitt, T. (2002). Association between children’s experience of socioeconomic disadvantage and adult health: a life-course study. Lancet, 360(9346), 1640-1645. Rebolledo, M. y Carmona, Z. (2014). Estado de salud bucal en reclusas de un centro penitenciario del Atlántico. RCIO, 4(11), 1-7. Rengifo-Reina, H. y Corchuelo-Ojeda, J. (2009). [Inequalities in oral health services in Cali, Colombia]. Rev Salud Publica (Bogota), 11(4), 526-537. Saimbi, C., Kaushal, S., Khan, M. y Kumar, A. (2010). Prevalence of caries in rural area children. JPFA, 24, 62-66. Salas, A., Cerón, X., Cadena, A. y Mosquera, C. (2012). Historia de caries en población escolarizada de 5 y 12 años en el corregimiento de Genoy municipio de Pasto - 2008. RCIO, 3(7), 1-9. Saxena, V. y Saxena, S. (2011). Prevalence of dental caries among children of SOS children’s village. JPFA, 25, 159-162. Shaw, M., Lawlor, D. y Najman, J. (2006). Teenage children of teenage mothers: psychological, behavioural and health outcomes from an Australian prospective longitudinal study. Soc Sci Med, 62(10), 2526-2539. Soncini, J., Kanasi, E., Lu, S., Nunn, M., Henshaw, M. y Tanner, A. (2010). Oral microbiota of children in a school-based dental clinic. Anaerobe, 16(3), 278-282. Wendell, S., Wang, X., Brown, M., Cooper, M., DeSensi, R., Weyant, R., ... Marazita, M. (2010). Taste genes associated with dental caries. J Dent Res, 89(11), 1198-1202. Wigen, T. y Wang, N. (2012). Parental influences on dental caries development in preschool children. An overview with emphasis on recent Norwegian research. Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(1), 13-19. Woan, J., Lin, J. y Auerswald, C. (2013). The health status of street children and youth in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of the literature. J Adolesc Health, 53(3), 314-321 e312.en-US
dc.descriptionLa población vulnerable se considera como un grupo de personas en estado de desprotección y exclusión, donde las inequidades por diferencias socioeconómicas, culturales y de estilo de vida, en conjunto con el sexo, la raza, la edad y la susceptibilidad genética, incrementan el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades orales y amenazan la salud general. Los estilos de vida reflejan las conductas de las personas y representan un factor protector o de riesgo, además, el alto consumo de carbohidratos y el nivel de cortisol y de minerales como el fósforo y el calcio en saliva, intervienen notablemente en la presencia de caries, convirtiéndose en un indicador de las condiciones de salud oral de la población. Los niños son los más vulnerables, especialmente si pertenecen a familias de bajos recursos, con escaso uso de los servicios de salud, desconocimiento de las medidas de prevención y donde la salud oral no es una prioridad.  spa
dc.descriptionA vulnerable population is considered a group of people in a situation of vulnerability and exclusion, where inequities due to socioeconomic, cultural and lifestyle differences, together with sex, race, age and genetic susceptibility, increase the risk of developing oral diseases and threaten general health. Lifestyles reflect the behavior of the people and represent a protective or a risk factor; in addition, the high consumption of carbohydrates and the level of cortisol and minerals such as phosphorus and calcium in the saliva, notably intervene in the presence of caries, becoming an indicator of the oral health conditions of the population. Children are the most vulnerable, especially if they belong to low-income families, with little use of health services, little knowledge about prevention measures, and where oral health is not a priority. Referencias Abadía, C. (2006). Pobreza y desigualdades sociales: un debate obligatorio en salud oral. Acta Bioethica, 12(1), 9-22. Agudelo, A., Isaza, L., Bustamante, D., Martínez, C. y Martínez, C. (2008). Perfil epidemiológico bucal en un asentamiento de población desplazada y destechada. CES Odont, 21(2), 17-24. Baelum, V. (2011). Dentistry and population approaches for preventing dental diseases. J Dent, 39(2), S9-19. Boyce, W., Den Besten, P., Stamperdahl, J., Zhan, L., Jiang, Y., Adler, N. y Featherstone, J. (2010). Social inequalities in childhood dental caries: the convergent roles of stress, bacteria and disadvantage. Soc Sci Med, 71(9), 1644-1652. Bueno, M., Fisberg, R., Maximino, P., Rodrigues Gde, P. y Fisberg, M. (2013). Nutritional risk among Brazilian children 2 to 6 years old: a multicenter study. Nutrition, 29(2), 405-410. Cabello, I., Rodríguez, G., Tapia, R., Jara, G., Soto, Q. y Venegas, C. (2011). Recursos humanos odontológicos y necesidades de tratamiento de caries en adolescentes de 12 años en Chile. Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral, 4(2), 45-49. Cadoret, C. y Garcia, R. (2014). Health disparities and the multicultural imperative. J Evid Based Dent Pract, 14 Suppl, 160-170 e161. Calonge, N. (2004). Prevention of dental caries in preschool children: recommendations and rationale. Am J Prev Med, 26(4), 326-329. Corchuelo, J. y Soto, L. (2014). Evaluación de la higiene oral en preescolares a través del monitoreo de placa bacteriana realizado por padres de familia. Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq, 25(2), 313-324. Cornejo, L., Brunotto, M. y Hilas, E. (2008). Salivary factors associated to the prevalence and increase of dental caries in rural schoolchildren. Rev Saude Publica, 42(1), 19-25. Chattopadhyay, A. (2008). Oral health disparities in the United States. Dent Clin North Am, 52(2), 297-318, vi. Edelstein, B. (2002). Disparities in oral health and access to care: findings of national surveys. Ambul Pediatr, 2(2), 141-147. Edelstein, B. y Chinn, C. (2009). Update on disparities in oral health and access to dental care for America’s children. Acad Pediatr, 9(6), 415-419. Evans, E., Hayes, C., Palmer, C., Bermudez, O., Cohen, S. y Must, A. (2013). Dietary intake and severe early childhood caries in low-income, young children. J Acad Nutr Diet, 113(8), 1057-1061. Fernández, M. y Ramos, I. (2007). Riesgo de aparición de caries en preescolares. Humo Alto. Estado Lara, 2006. Acta Odontol Venez, 45(2), 1-7. Gati, D. y Vieira, A. (2011). Elderly at greater risk for root caries: a look at the multifactorial risks with emphasis on genetics susceptibility. Int J Dent, 2011, 647168. Ghimire, N. y Rao, A. (2013). Comparative evaluation of the influence of television advertisements on children and caries prevalence. Glob Health Action, 6, 20066. Hooley, M., Skouteris, H., Boganin, C., Satur, J. y Kilpatrick, N. (2012). Parental influence and the development of dental caries in children aged 0-6 years: a systematic review of the literature. J Dent, 40(11), 873-885. Ibrahim, S., Nishimura, M., Matsumura, S., Rodis, O., Nishida, A., Yamanaka, K. y Shimono, T. (2009). A longitudinal study of early childhood caries risk, dental caries, and life style. PDJ, 19(2), 174-180. Kahlor, L., Mackert, M., Junker, D. y Tyler, D. (2011). Ensuring children eat a healthy diet: a theory-driven focus group study to inform communication aimed at parents. J Pediatr Nurs, 26(1), 13-24. Lashley, M. (2008). Promoting oral health among the inner city homeless: a community-academic partnership. Nurs Clin North Am, 43(3), 367-379, viii. Luna, L., Ramos, K., González, F., Fernández, E., Herrera, E., Royero, M. y Arzuza, M. (2007). Relación entre el estado de salud oral y nutricional de niños escolarizados entre 5 y 12 años de las escuelas oficiales de Cartagena apadrinados por la Fundación Mamonal. Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias. Mannaa, A., Carlén, A. y Lingstrom, P. (2013). Dental caries and associated factors in mothers and their preschool and school children - A cross-sectional study. JDS, 8(2), 101-108. Medina-Solis, C., Maupome, G., Pelcastre-Villafuerte, B., Avila-Burgos, L., Vallejos-Sanchez, A. y Casanova-Rosado, A. (2006). Socioeconomic inequalities in oral health: dental caries in 6 to 12 year-old children. Rev Invest Clin, 58(4), 296-304. Milgrom, P., Weinstein, P. y Coldwell, S. (2009). Malnutrition as an aetiological factor in dental caries disparity. In M. Wilson (Ed.), Food constituents and oral health (pp. 381-395). Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN). (s.f.). Población vulnerable. Recuperado de Mobley, C., Marshall, T., Milgrom, P. y Coldwell, S. (2009). The contribution of dietary factors to dental caries and disparities in caries. Acad Pediatr, 9(6), 410-414. Mora, L. y Martínez, J. (2000). Prevalencia de caries y factores asociados en niños de 2-5 años de los Centros de Salud Almanjáyar y Cartuja de Granada capital. Aten Primaria, 26(6), 398-404. Nakamura, S. (2014). Parental income and child health in Japan. J Japanese Int Economies, 32, 42-55. Navas, P., Rojas, T., Zambrano, O., Ãlvarez, C., Santana, Y. y Vierna, N. (2002). Salud bucal en preescolares: su relación con las actitudes y nivel educativo de los padres. INCI, 27(11), 631-634. Ng, M. y Chase, I. (2013). Early childhood caries: risk-based disease prevention and management. Dent Clin North Am, 57(1), 1-16. Nishimura, M., Rodis, M., Matsumura, S. y Matsumoto-Nakano, M. (2012). Influences of diet on caries activities and caries-risk grouping in children, and changes in parenting behavior. PDJ, 22(2), 117-124. Nowak, A. (2011). Paradigm shift: Infant oral health care--primary prevention. J Dent, 39 Suppl 2, S49-55. Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). (2012). Campaña del día mundial de la salud. Recuperado de Parisotto, T., Steiner-Oliveira, C., Duque, C., Peres, R., Rodrigues, L. y Nobre-dos-Santos, M. (2010). Relationship among microbiological composition and presence of dental plaque, sugar exposure, social factors and different stages of early childhood caries. Arch Oral Biol, 55(5), 365-373. Pattussi, M., Marcenes, W., Croucher, R. y Sheiham, A. (2001). Social deprivation, income inequality, social cohesion and dental caries in Brazilian school children. Soc Sci Med, 53(7), 915-925. Peterson-Sweeney, K. y Stevens, J. (2010). Optimizing the health of infants and children: their oral health counts! J Pediatr Nurs, 25(4), 244-249. Petti, S. (2010). Why guidelines for early childhood caries prevention could be ineffective amongst children at high risk. J Dent, 38(12), 946-955. Pischon, N., Heng, N., Bernimoulin, J., Kleber, B., Willich, S. y Pischon, T. (2007). Obesity, inflammation, and periodontal disease. J Dent Res, 86(5), 400-409. Poulton, R., Caspi, A., Milne, B., Thomson, W., Taylor, A., Sears, M. y Moffitt, T. (2002). Association between children’s experience of socioeconomic disadvantage and adult health: a life-course study. Lancet, 360(9346), 1640-1645. Rebolledo, M. y Carmona, Z. (2014). Estado de salud bucal en reclusas de un centro penitenciario del Atlántico. RCIO, 4(11), 1-7. Rengifo-Reina, H. y Corchuelo-Ojeda, J. (2009). [Inequalities in oral health services in Cali, Colombia]. Rev Salud Publica (Bogota), 11(4), 526-537. Saimbi, C., Kaushal, S., Khan, M. y Kumar, A. (2010). Prevalence of caries in rural area children. JPFA, 24, 62-66. Salas, A., Cerón, X., Cadena, A. y Mosquera, C. (2012). Historia de caries en población escolarizada de 5 y 12 años en el corregimiento de Genoy municipio de Pasto - 2008. RCIO, 3(7), 1-9. Saxena, V. y Saxena, S. (2011). Prevalence of dental caries among children of SOS children’s village. JPFA, 25, 159-162. Shaw, M., Lawlor, D. y Najman, J. (2006). Teenage children of teenage mothers: psychological, behavioural and health outcomes from an Australian prospective longitudinal study. Soc Sci Med, 62(10), 2526-2539. Soncini, J., Kanasi, E., Lu, S., Nunn, M., Henshaw, M. y Tanner, A. (2010). Oral microbiota of children in a school-based dental clinic. Anaerobe, 16(3), 278-282. Wendell, S., Wang, X., Brown, M., Cooper, M., DeSensi, R., Weyant, R., ... Marazita, M. (2010). Taste genes associated with dental caries. J Dent Res, 89(11), 1198-1202. Wigen, T. y Wang, N. (2012). Parental influences on dental caries development in preschool children. An overview with emphasis on recent Norwegian research. Norsk Epidemiologi, 22(1), 13-19. Woan, J., Lin, J. y Auerswald, C. (2013). The health status of street children and youth in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review of the literature. J Adolesc Health, 53(3), 314-321
dc.publisherEditorial UNIMARspa
dc.relation/*ref*/Abadía, C. (2006). Pobreza y desigualdades sociales: un debate obligatorio en salud oral. Acta Bioethica, 12(1), 9-22.
dc.relation/*ref*/Agudelo, A., Isaza, L., Bustamante, D., Martínez, C. y Martínez, C. (2008). Perfil epidemiológico bucal en un asentamiento de población desplazada y destechada. CES Odont, 21(2), 17-24.
dc.relation/*ref*/Baelum, V. (2011). Dentistry and population approaches for preventing dental diseases. J Dent, 39(2), S9-19.
dc.relation/*ref*/Boyce, W., Den Besten, P., Stamperdahl, J., Zhan, L., Jiang, Y., Adler, N. y Featherstone, J. (2010). Social inequalities in childhood dental caries: the convergent roles of stress, bacteria and disadvantage. Soc Sci Med, 71(9), 1644-1652.
dc.relation/*ref*/Bueno, M., Fisberg, R., Maximino, P., Rodrigues Gde, P. y Fisberg, M. (2013). Nutritional risk among Brazilian children 2 to 6 years old: a multicenter study. Nutrition, 29(2), 405-410.
dc.relation/*ref*/Cabello, I., Rodríguez, G., Tapia, R., Jara, G., Soto, Q. y Venegas, C. (2011). Recursos humanos odontológicos y necesidades de tratamiento de caries en adolescentes de 12 años en Chile. Rev Clin Periodoncia Implantol Rehabil Oral, 4(2), 45-49.
dc.relation/*ref*/Cadoret, C. y Garcia, R. (2014). Health disparities and the multicultural imperative. J Evid Based Dent Pract, 14 Suppl, 160-170 e161.
dc.relation/*ref*/Calonge, N. (2004). Prevention of dental caries in preschool children: recommendations and rationale. Am J Prev Med, 26(4), 326-329.
dc.relation/*ref*/Corchuelo, J. y Soto, L. (2014). Evaluación de la higiene oral en preescolares a través del monitoreo de placa bacteriana realizado por padres de familia. Rev Fac Odontol Univ Antioq, 25(2), 313-324.
dc.relation/*ref*/Cornejo, L., Brunotto, M. y Hilas, E. (2008). Salivary factors associated to the prevalence and increase of dental caries in rural schoolchildren. Rev Saude Publica, 42(1), 19-25.
dc.relation/*ref*/Chattopadhyay, A. (2008). Oral health disparities in the United States. Dent Clin North Am, 52(2), 297-318, vi.
dc.relation/*ref*/Edelstein, B. (2002). Disparities in oral health and access to care: findings of national surveys. Ambul Pediatr, 2(2), 141-147.
dc.relation/*ref*/Edelstein, B. y Chinn, C. (2009). Update on disparities in oral health and access to dental care for America’s children. Acad Pediatr, 9(6), 415-419.
dc.relation/*ref*/Evans, E., Hayes, C., Palmer, C., Bermudez, O., Cohen, S. y Must, A. (2013). Dietary intake and severe early childhood caries in low-income, young children. J Acad Nutr Diet, 113(8), 1057-1061.
dc.relation/*ref*/Fernández, M. y Ramos, I. (2007). Riesgo de aparición de caries en preescolares. Humo Alto. Estado Lara, 2006. Acta Odontol Venez, 45(2), 1-7.
dc.relation/*ref*/Gati, D. y Vieira, A. (2011). Elderly at greater risk for root caries: a look at the multifactorial risks with emphasis on genetics susceptibility. Int J Dent, 2011, 647168.
dc.relation/*ref*/Ghimire, N. y Rao, A. (2013). Comparative evaluation of the influence of television advertisements on children and caries prevalence. Glob Health Action, 6, 20066.
dc.relation/*ref*/Hooley, M., Skouteris, H., Boganin, C., Satur, J. y Kilpatrick, N. (2012). Parental influence and the development of dental caries in children aged 0-6 years: a systematic review of the literature. J Dent, 40(11), 873-885.
dc.relation/*ref*/Ibrahim, S., Nishimura, M., Matsumura, S., Rodis, O., Nishida, A., Yamanaka, K. y Shimono, T. (2009). A longitudinal study of early childhood caries risk, dental caries, and life style. PDJ, 19(2), 174-180.
dc.relation/*ref*/Kahlor, L., Mackert, M., Junker, D. y Tyler, D. (2011). Ensuring children eat a healthy diet: a theory-driven focus group study to inform communication aimed at parents. J Pediatr Nurs, 26(1), 13-24.
dc.relation/*ref*/Lashley, M. (2008). Promoting oral health among the inner city homeless: a community- academic partnership. Nurs Clin North Am, 43(3), 367-379, viii.
dc.relation/*ref*/Luna, L., Ramos, K., González, F., Fernández, E., Herrera, E., Royero, M. y Arzuza, M. (2007). Relación entre el estado de salud oral y nutricional de niños escolarizados entre 5 y 12 años de las escuelas oficiales de Cartagena apadrinados por la Fundación Mamonal. Universidad de Cartagena, Cartagena de Indias.
dc.relation/*ref*/Mannaa, A., Carlén, A. y Lingstrom, P. (2013). Dental caries and associated factors in mothers and their preschool and school children - A cross-sectional study. JDS, 8(2), 101-108.
dc.relation/*ref*/Medina-Solis, C., Maupome, G., Pelcastre-Villafuerte, B., Avila-Burgos, L., Vallejos- Sanchez, A. y Casanova Rosado, A. (2006). Socioeconomic inequalities in oral health: dental caries in 6 to 12 year-old children. Rev Invest Clin, 58(4), 296-304.
dc.relation/*ref*/Milgrom, P., Weinstein, P. y Coldwell, S. (2009). Malnutrition as an aetiological factor in dental caries disparity. In M. Wilson (Ed.), Food constituents and oral health (pp. 381-395).
dc.relation/*ref*/Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN). (s.f.). Población vulnerable. Recuperado de
dc.relation/*ref*/Mobley, C., Marshall, T., Milgrom, P. y Coldwell, S. (2009). The contribution of dietary factors to dental caries and disparities in caries. Acad Pediatr, 9(6), 410-414.
dc.relation/*ref*/Mora, L. y Martínez, J. (2000). Prevalencia de caries y factores asociados en niños de 2-5 años de los Centros de Salud Almanjáyar y Cartuja de Granada capital. Aten Primaria, 26(6), 398-404.
dc.relation/*ref*/Nakamura, S. (2014). Parental income and child health in Japan. J Japanese Int Economies, 32, 42-55.
dc.relation/*ref*/Navas, P., Rojas, T., Zambrano, O., Álvarez, C., Santana, Y. y Vierna, N. (2002). Salud bucal en preescolares: su relación con las actitudes y nivel educativo de los padres. INCI, 27(11), 631-634.
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dc.sourceRevista Criterios; Vol. 24 No. 1 (2017): Revista Criterios; 381-394en-US
dc.sourceRevista Criterios; Vol. 24 Núm. 1 (2017): Revista Criterios; 381-394spa
dc.sourceRevista Criterios; v. 24 n. 1 (2017): Revista Criterios; 381-394pt-BR
dc.subjectestilo de vidaspa
dc.subjectestilo de vidapt-BR
dc.titleOral health in vulnerable populationsen-US
dc.titleSalud oral en poblaciones vulnerablesspa
dc.titleSaúde bucal em populações vulneráveispt-BR

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