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Main economic measures adopted by the business sector during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombia;
Principais medidas econômicas adotadas pelo setor empresarial durante a pandemia de COVID-19 na Colômbia

dc.creatorArgoti Chamorro, Ana Cristina
dc.creatorBennett Muñoz, John Ernesto
dc.creatorRevelo Ramírez, Luis Giovanni
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this review article is to describe the situation presented in companies during the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures adopted by the government to favor their permanence and reactivation and ensure their function of providing products and employment. In the referential framework of the research ‘Business Economic Situation in the city of Pasto due to the COVID-19 pandemic’, it is evident that the economy is going through a crisis that affects the dynamics of companies and warrants state intervention, by means of relevant policies to face such situations. It assumes the descriptive method, through the documentary review of updated sources and published in scientific and electronic journals. The pertinent information was systematized under aprocess that started with the choice of the topic, followed by the determination of the objective, collection of the bibliography, and development of the argument until the conclusions. Even though the Colombian government implemented emergency mitigation measures, some fiscal, to alleviate tax responsibilities, others to provide financial leverage and improve the liquidity of companies, as well as labor measures that became a first relief against the situation, it is necessary to guarantee their continuity, as well as improve access for most companies.en-US
dc.descriptionThe purpose of this review article is to describe the situation presented in companies during the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures adopted by the government to favor their permanence and reactivation and ensure their function of providing products and employment. In the referential framework of the research ‘Business Economic Situation in the city of Pasto due to the COVID-19 pandemic’, it is evident that the economy is going through a crisis that affects the dynamics of companies and warrants state intervention, by means of relevant policies to face such situations. It assumes the descriptive method, through the documentary review of updated sources and published in scientific and electronic journals. The pertinent information was systematized under aprocess that started with the choice of the topic, followed by the determination of the objective, collection of the bibliography, and development of the argument until the conclusions. Even though the Colombian government implemented emergency mitigation measures, some fiscal, to alleviate tax responsibilities, others to provide financial leverage and improve the liquidity of companies, as well as labor measures that became a first relief against the situation, it is necessary to guarantee their continuity, as well as improve access for most
dc.descriptionO objetivo deste artigo de revisão é descrever a situação apresentada nas empresas durante a pandemia de COVID-19 e as medidas adotadas pelo governo, para favorecer sua permanência, reativação e, assegurar sua função de fornecimento de produtos e emprego. No quadro referencial da pesquisa ‘Situação Econômica Empresarial na cidade de Pasto devido à pandemia de COVID-19’ fica evidente que a economia atravessa uma crise que afeta a dinâmica das empresas e justifica a intervenção do Estado, por meio de políticas relevantes para enfrentar tais situações. Assume o método descritivo através da revisão documental de fontes atualizadas e publicadas em revistas científicas e eletrónicas. A informação pertinente foi sistematizada ao abrigo de um processo que começou com a escolha do tema, seguindo-se a determinação do objetivo, recolha de bibliografia e desenvolvimento da argumentação até às conclusões. O governo colombiano implementou medidas emergenciais de mitigação, algumas fiscais, para aliviar as responsabilidades tributárias; outras, para proporcionar alavancagem financeira e melhorar a liquidez das empresas, bem como medidas trabalhistas que se tornaram um primeiro alívio diante da situação, mas é necessário garantir sua continuidade, bem como melhorar o acesso para a maioria das
dc.publisherEditorial UNIMARspa
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dc.sourceRevista Criterios; Vol. 30 No. 1 (2023): Revista Criterios; 92-110en-US
dc.sourceRevista Criterios; Vol. 30 Núm. 1 (2023): Revista Criterios; 92-110spa
dc.sourceRevista Criterios; v. 30 n. 1 (2023): Revista Criterios; 92-110pt-BR
dc.subjectgovernment interventionspa
dc.subjectbusiness sectorspa
dc.subjectintervenção governamentalpt-BR
dc.subjectsetor de negóciospt-BR
dc.subjectgovernment interventionen-US
dc.subjectbusiness sectoren-US
dc.titleMain economic measures adopted by the business sector during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombiaen-US
dc.titleMain economic measures adopted by the business sector during the COVID-19 pandemic in Colombiaspa
dc.titlePrincipais medidas econômicas adotadas pelo setor empresarial durante a pandemia de COVID-19 na Colômbiapt-BR

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