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[Las empresas familiares y la inversión en investigación y desarrollo: El efecto moderador de la composición del consejo]

dc.contributor.authordel Carmen Briano-Turrent G.
dc.contributor.authorWatkins-Fassler K.
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez-Ariza L.
dc.contributor.authorReyes-Bastidas C.
dc.description.abstractFrom the perspective of agency and socio-emotional theories, the family firm's innovation behavior differs from non-family companies. We investigate the relationship between the family element and Research and Development (R&D) investment, and how the moderating effect of the board composition affects this relationship. Using a panel data composed by 1,284 observations-year during the period 2004-2014 from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico, empirical results show that family firms increase R&D investment when the moderating effect of the board composition is included. For instance, larger boards, the independence of the board, the COB-CEO duality and female directors motivates to a higher R&D and capital expenditures. These results confirm that board composition constitutes a monitoring mechanism of family members' actions, which leads to an increase of innovation strategies and suggest that family firms promote a long-term orientation with the purpose of preserving the wealth for next generations. This research contributes to the international literature analyzing a region not explored before and characterized by a weak institutional framework and lower rates on R&D investment compared to other emerging countries. Copyright 2023: © Guillermo Pérez-Elizundia, Seyka Sandoval, Jesús F. Lampón.
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.publisherUniversidad de Malaga
dc.rights.uriAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
dc.sourceEuropean Journal of Family Business
dc.sourceEur. J. Fam. Bus.
dc.titleFamily Firms and Research and Development Investment: The Moderator Effect of the Board Composition
dc.title[Las empresas familiares y la inversión en investigación y desarrollo: El efecto moderador de la composición del consejo]
datacite.contributorUniversidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico
datacite.contributorUniversidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain
datacite.contributorTecnológico Nacional de México, Mexico
datacite.contributorUniversidad de Granada, Spain
datacite.contributorUniversidad Mariana, Colombia
datacite.contributordel Carmen Briano-Turrent G., Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico
datacite.contributorWatkins-Fassler K., Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain, Tecnológico Nacional de México, Mexico
datacite.contributorRodríguez-Ariza L., Universidad de Granada, Spain
datacite.contributorReyes-Bastidas C., Universidad Mariana, Colombia
dc.contributor.contactpersonG. del Carmen Briano-Turrent
dc.contributor.contactpersonUniversidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Mariana
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio Clara de Asis
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dc.subject.keywordsAgency Theory
dc.subject.keywordsFamily Firms
dc.subject.keywordsLatin America
dc.subject.keywordsResearch and Development
dc.subject.keywordsSocio Emotional Wealth
dc.type.spaArtículo científico

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