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dc.contributor.authorCoral Medina J.D.
dc.contributor.authorWoiciechowski A.L.
dc.contributor.authorFilho A.Z.
dc.contributor.authorBrar S.K.
dc.contributor.authorMagalhães Júnior A.I.
dc.contributor.authorSoccol C.R.
dc.description.abstractThe oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) are the largest solid residues generated in the oil palm processing. At present, OPEFB is considered one of the most important lignocellulosic materials for producing chemicals and fuels, however, because of their recalcitrance, there are necessary pretreatment steps for solubilization of monomeric sugars. Three pretreatment configurations, sequential acid/alkaline, steam explosion with alkaline delignification and steam explosion without delignification, for co-production of ethanol, xylitol, and lignin using OPEFB as feedstock were analyzed. The pretreatment performance was analyzed as a function of the yearly total profit and the net energy value (NEV). Sensibility analysis was carried out taking into consideration 7 cases by varying the price of ethanol, xylitol, and lignin in accordance with commercial price and data reported in the literature. The results showed that sequential steam explosion followed by alkaline delignification, presented the largest yearly profit for all the cases analyzed, followed by acid/alkaline treatment. The positive economic profit was attributed to the production of xylitol and lignin. While the steam explosion presented negative yearly profit, this pretreatment presented the highest energy positive NEV of 9.9 MJ∙kg-1 OPEFB treated. These results showed that the use of OPEFB as a potential feedstock for biorefinery process could be feasible if all the fractions obtained in pretreatment stages are valorized. © 2018
dc.description.sponsorshipThe authors would like to extend their sincere gratitude to VALE International Inc. for their financial support and for supplying the biomass samples. This work was also supported by the grant from the Organization of American States (OAS) and CAPES to the first author.
dc.format.mediumRecurso electrónico
dc.publisherElsevier Ltd
dc.rights.uriAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
dc.sourceJournal of Cleaner Production
dc.sourceJ. Clean. Prod.
dc.titleEnergetic and economic analysis of ethanol, xylitol and lignin production using oil palm empty fruit bunches from a Brazilian factory
datacite.contributorMariana University, Department of Process Engineering, Pasto, 520002, Nariño, Colombia
datacite.contributorFederal University of Paraná, Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, P. O. Box 19.011, Curitiba, 81.531-970, Paraná, Brazil
datacite.contributorFederal University of Paraná, Department Chemical Engineering, Curitiba, 81.531-970, Paraná, Brazil
datacite.contributorInstitut National de la Research Scientifique, Quebec, Canada
datacite.contributorCoral Medina J.D., Mariana University, Department of Process Engineering, Pasto, 520002, Nariño, Colombia, Federal University of Paraná, Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, P. O. Box 19.011, Curitiba, 81.531-970, Paraná, Brazil
datacite.contributorWoiciechowski A.L., Federal University of Paraná, Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, P. O. Box 19.011, Curitiba, 81.531-970, Paraná, Brazil
datacite.contributorFilho A.Z., Federal University of Paraná, Department Chemical Engineering, Curitiba, 81.531-970, Paraná, Brazil
datacite.contributorBrar S.K., Institut National de la Research Scientifique, Quebec, Canada
datacite.contributorMagalhães Júnior A.I., Federal University of Paraná, Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, P. O. Box 19.011, Curitiba, 81.531-970, Paraná, Brazil
datacite.contributorSoccol C.R., Federal University of Paraná, Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, P. O. Box 19.011, Curitiba, 81.531-970, Paraná, Brazil
dc.contributor.contactpersonC.R. Soccol
dc.contributor.contactpersonFederal University of Paraná, Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, Curitiba, P. O. Box 19.011, 81.531-970, Brazil
dc.contributor.sponsorVALE International Inc.
dc.contributor.sponsorOrganization of American States, OAS
dc.contributor.sponsorOklahoma Academy of Science, OAS
dc.contributor.sponsorCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES
dc.identifier.instnameUniversidad Mariana
dc.identifier.reponameRepositorio Clara de Asis
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dc.subject.keywordsLignin valorization
dc.subject.keywordsNet energy value
dc.subject.keywordsOil palm empty fruit bunches
dc.subject.keywordsEconomic Analysis
dc.subject.keywordsEconomic analysis
dc.subject.keywordsSugar substitutes
dc.subject.keywordsLignocellulosic material
dc.subject.keywordsNet energy
dc.subject.keywordsOil palm empty fruit bunch
dc.subject.keywordsOil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB)
dc.subject.keywordsPotential feedstock
dc.subject.keywordsSensibility analysis
dc.subject.keywordsPalm oil
dc.type.spaArtículo científico

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